North Dakota Music Educator Journal
Submission Deadlines
September 1st for October Issue
November 15the for January Issue
April 1st for May Issue
General Information
The North Dakota Music Educator Journal is the official journal for the NDMEA, an affiliate of NAfME. It is primarily distributed to music educators and music industry professionals at the state and national level. Three issues are published each year on the dates listed above.
All submissions, photos, graphics, etc., will be printed in black and white. Articles should be sent via email to the journal editor whenever possible. Subject areas of teaching music, advocacy, music standards, effective practice, etc., are welcome. Articles should be clear, grammatically correct, and between 750-1200 words, although longer articles will also be considered. Submitted articles may be edited using the above criteria. NDMEA reserves the right to edit all submissions.
Please send all articles to: editor@ndmea.org.