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Why Membership? Where does my money go?

Being a member of NDMEA and under the umbrella of NAfME allows each member access to hours of professional development through NAfME Academy. Members of NDMEA/NAfME pay $20, non-members pay $100. UND is offering 1 credit for every 15 hours of NAfME Academy, up to 45 hours which would be 3 credits. You can find out more about this opportunity here.

Members get discounted rates for our annual conference, as well as a paid subscription to our state music education journal. Also, members who have high school students auditioning for All-State will pay less in fees than those who are non-members.

Current Membership Rates

  • Active: $142 ($102 to NAfME)

  • Retired: $66 ($51 to NAfME)

  • Introductory: $76 ($51 to NAfME)

  • Collegiate: $42 ($31 to NAfME)

Our Goals:


Provide and enhance musical experiences for all North Dakota Students.


Increase North Dakota's commitment to the value of music and quality music education.


Be recognized as the leading advocate for music education in North Dakota.


Provide and encourage professional development for North Dakota music educators.


Maintain an effective and representative organization.

  • North Dakota Music Educators Association

Mail to: NDMEA

800 12th Ave NE Apt. 246

Jamestown, ND 58401


©2020 by North Dakota Music Educators Association. 

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